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Egyedi–Beck: Fishing On Orfű 15
Margó Literary Festival and Book Fair

Egyedi–Beck: Fishing On Orfű 15
Margó Literary Festival and Book Fair
National Dance Theatre — Main Auditorium
15 October, 2023 | 8.30 pm
Ticket prices
3500–6500 HUF
How can you tell the story of a popular music festival in a way that the listener not only understands but also feels the progress of years and events? How to ensure they are involved in the past, see behind the scenes, become part of the story? How to reveal how the story of the festival is interwoven with the stories of the creators? How can an event that lasts only four days a year mean so much to its audience?
From time to time, it is worth looking at the life we have behind us: does it tell like a story, and how do we, the rememberers, the narrators of our own lives, tell our own story — to what is now the present? This is what Zoltán Beck, Péter Egyedi, Giorgio Fekete, Gábor ‘Lecsó’ Leskovics and Bori Péterfy will attempt to do on this special evening.
This programme of the Liszt Fest is presented by Müpa Budapest as a joint event with Kultúrkombinát Kft.
Supporter: Bookline, MVM, National Cultural Fund of Hungary
National Dance Theatre
1024 Budapest, Kis Rókus utca 16–20.
National Dance Theatre — Main Auditorium
15 October, 2023 | 8.30 pm
Ticket prices
3500–6500 HUF
National Dance Theatre
1024 Budapest, Kis Rókus utca 16–20.