Rules of Attendance


The Liszt Fest International Cultural Festival is Hungary’s event series dedicated to the arts, which is organized by Müpa Budapest (henceforth: Festival organizer / Organizer). By purchasing a ticket for an event of the Liszt Fest International Cultural Festival (henceforth: Festival), buyers shall agree to and accept as binding upon them the Festival’s General Terms and Conditions for Ticket Buyers (henceforth: GTC).


  • Our performances and events can be attended with valid tickets. This rule shall not apply to free events and ones where attendance is only subject to registration. 
  • The attendance of free events is subject to the capacity of the event hall. Once the specified capacity has been reached, fire safety regulations will require that event hosts not allow more visitors to enter.
  • Guests arriving late to Festival performances may only be seated during the interval or, if the production allows, may enter the auditorium without disrupting the performance, with the help of event hosts, optionally taking a seat other than the one purchased. The same applies to guests who leave the room and wish to return later.
  • Wheelchair users can book tickets in accordance with the given venue’s rules of attendance. 


  • Use the cloakroom in accordance with the given venue’s rules of attendance. 
  • The cloakroom staff accepts liability only for items that visitors would typically bring to a theatre or a concert hall, such as umbrellas and garments. The liability of the Organizers and the individual venues shall not cover such items placed in the cloakroom whose value is significantly larger than that of common items (such as large sums of cash, valuable jewellery, etc.).
  • At some of the venues the following items may not be taken inside the event room: food, drinks, objects that may disturb the person on the seat next to yours due to its size, or that may obstruct escape and access routes (e.g. stroller, small motorbike, scooter, large musical instrument). Detailed information on the above is available on the website of the Festival, by clicking on Venues. Before entering a venue, please consult its rules of entering and use.
  • The Festival organizer shall bear no liability for valuables left at its event venues.


  • More information on parking at a venue is available on the website of the Festival, by clicking on Venues.


  • The Organizer reserves the right to change the dates, times, venues and performers of its events, as well as the right to cancel them altogether. 
  • Only tickets for cancelled events can be refunded. 
  • When an event is cancelled, ticket holders can claim their refund within 30 days from the event date, on the official website,, following the instructions found there, as well as at the permanent booking offices of the festival organizer, Müpa Budapest. Müpa Budapest shall return the price within 90 days from the date of the claim. Tickets lost, destroyed or damaged cannot be replaced. 


  • Whenever the ideal performance of a production necessitates it, the Festival organizer shall have the right to assign seats to viewers other than those purchased, provided the new seat is of a higher price category. In such cases, event hosts shall inform viewers of the re-assignment. 
  • The artistic concept of a performance may require scenery (whether on the stage or in the auditorium) that may restrict the view of the stage from some of the seats. The Festival organizer adjusts its ticket prices accordingly, and may offer “discount tickets” for the seats in question. 
  • The Festival organizer makes audio and video recordings of some of its productions, which may necessitate the establishment of camera posts in the auditorium, where the installed devices may obstruct the view of the stage from certain seats. If your seat is affected, you may ask the event hosts to find you an alternative seat if there are any available. 
  • At certain venues of the Festival, the artistic concept of the performance may require that an orchestral pit or camera rail be set up in front of the stage and behind a parapet. This may reduce legroom in the first row. If this is an important consideration for you, please ask our colleagues for further information prior to purchasing tickets for the affected seats. 


  • Performances intended for adults are not recommended for visitors under the age of six. When an event is intended for children, please be mindful of age recommendations. Should a child, with their behaviour or loud talking, disturb other viewers in the enjoyment of an event for adults, our event hosts may request the child and its guardian to leave the hall. 
  • Event hosts may request viewers or visitors who disturb a performance or its enjoyment, or disturb or offend other people at the venue, with their talking, noisy or offensive behaviour, to leave. Mobile phones or other devices that may disturb an event must not be used during the event. When a visitor who has been requested to stop using such a device refuses to comply, event hosts, the audience services officer or security staff may request them to leave the event hall. Upon the express request of the audience services officer, security staff will request the visitor who disturbs others or the performance to leave, will accompany them out if necessary, and may call upon the police to take action. 
  • A person visibly under the influence of alcohol or drugs may not attend an event or enter a Festival venue, even if they are in possession of a valid ticket. Event hosts, the audience services officer and security staff shall have the right to request such visitors under the influence to leave the premises. 
  • The vision and sound at a performance of the Festival are integral parts of the production’s artistic concept. If you find the volume too low or too loud, please consider that our sound technicians take especial care, throughout the entire performance, to ensure that the volume does not exceed permitted levels. 
  • Visitors shall use the premises of a Festival venue according to their intended purpose and keep them clean and orderly; equipment and furnishings in the buildings, and the buildings themselves, shall not be damaged and shall be used as per instructions. Before entering a venue, please consult its rules of entering and use by visiting the website of the Festival and clicking on Venues. Visitors shall make all reasonable efforts to protect, and avoid endangering, their own and others’ life and bodily health, the property of the event venue and of others, as well as the building, furnishings and equipment of the event venue. 
  • Whether an animal is allowed inside the Festival area is subject to the rules of the given Festival venue. Guide dogs are allowed in all festival venues.
  • No weapons or objects resembling weapons, nor any objects or substances constituting a hazard to life, bodily integrity and health, may be taken inside Festival event venues. Means of transport (e.g. bicycles, scooters, small motorcycles, roller skates, skateboards, etc.) may be brought in if the device is foldable and can be carried in hand, in which case they must be deposited in the cloakroom. 
  • Smoking is not allowed in the buildings of Festival event venues. Smoking is only permitted outside the buildings, in areas designated for the purpose by the rules of attendance of the event venue. 
  • Guests must comply with measures undertaken by authorized Festival staff. In the event of some extraordinary occurrence (natural disaster, fire, bomb alert, etc.), visitors must follow the instructions of Festival employees, as well as those of the given event venue’s evacuation plan. 
  • On the premises of a Festival venue, activities that are at variance with the intended purpose of the building, or any business activities, shall be carried out only with the written permission of the Organizer. 


  • By entering a venue of the Festival, you expressly acknowledge that images and audio recordings may be made at the event and at the venue, in which you as a visitor may also appear. By attending a (public) event of the Festival, you allow the Organizers to use said recordings as part of their core, cultural activity. You may not make any claims against the Festival, the Organizers, the makers of the recording, or those who have a valid title to use the recording, when the recording is made use of in said manner. 
  • The Festival organizer expressly informs its viewers and visitors to its event venues that it shall not record or handle any personal health data, including data that may arise during the admittance or the ticket refund process. 
  • Festival organizer’s complete Privacy Policy can be found on the official website of the Liszt Fest International Cultural Festival ( 
  • Permission for photographing must always be requested from the Festival organizer prior to an event, in an email sent to
  • No audio or video may be recorded during concerts, performances and other events. (This includes audio and video recorded with a mobile phone.) Failure to observe this rule may entail the legal consequences of the infringement of copyright and related rights. If a visitor refuses to stop recording audio or video during a concert, performance or event when requested to do so by an event host, event hosts, the audience services officer and security staff may request them to leave the event hall and the premises of the venue. 


Obligation to provide information in connection with distance contracts (on-line ticket purchase), pursuant to Government Decree 45/2014 (26 Feb.) 

Name of the company: Müpa Budapest – Művészetek Palotája Nonprofit Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság

The postal address, telephone number and e-mail address of the company’s registered office: 1095 Budapest, Komor Marcell u. 1.; +36 1 555 3000;

The total amount of the consideration for the service under the contract plus tax: provided as the ‘Total’ amount in the Cart, in Hungarian forint. There is no additional cost to the customer over and above the gross price shown here.

Complaints are handled in accordance with the current Complaints Handling Policy, which is available on the website of Müpa Budapest.

Right of withdrawal/cancellation: the customer does not have the right of withdrawal/cancellation after the purchase, given that the contract resulting from the purchase of the ticket falls within the scope of the exception under Article 29 (1) (l) of Government Decree 45/2014 (26. Feb.) (contract for a service related to a leisure activity, which is for a specific date or time period). 

The possibility to apply to a conciliation panel: a conciliation panel has the authority to settle consumer disputes between customers and businesses out of court. A consumer dispute is a dispute relating to the conclusion and performance of a sales or service contract between a customer and a business, and, in the absence of a specific sales or service contract concluded between the consumer and the business, a dispute relating to the quality or safety of a product, the application of product liability rules or the quality of a service.

In the course of its proceedings, the conciliation panel attempts to facilitate an agreement between the parties and, if this is unsuccessful, it decides the case in order to ensure that consumer rights are enforced in a simple, quick, efficient and cost-effective manner. When requested by the customer or the business, the conciliation panel advises on the consumer’s rights and obligations.

The involvement of a conciliation panel may only be initiated by a person who is a consumer. A consumer may only initiate the involvement of the panel if they have previously attempted to settle the consumer dispute and have evidence that such an attempt has been made. The conciliation panel is an independent body working alongside the county (metropolitan) chambers of commerce and industry. The conciliation panel that has jurisdiction over the principal place of business of Müpa Budapest is Budapesti Békéltető Testület (Budapest Conciliation Panel), whose address is 1016 Budapest, Krisztina krt. 99. III. em. 310; postal address: 1253 Budapest, Pf. 10.

Visitors who violate this GTC may be warned; they may then be banned from the festival venue permanently or for a specific period of time; and they may have administrative action brought against them. The violator of the GTC, or the person who is the guardian of the violator of the GTC, shall be held liable for any damages resulting from the violation of the GTC. If the breach of the GTC is also a breach of law, the person breaching the GTC, or the guardian of this person shall be held legally responsible and shall bear any legal consequences that may arise.

Observing these GTC is in our mutual interest. We kindly request the cooperation of our esteemed visitors in this regard. 
Thank you for your cooperation, and we look forward to seeing you at our events!