Anima Sound System: The Songs of Bob Dylan
Autumn Margó Literary Festival

Anima Sound System: The Songs of Bob Dylan
Autumn Margó Literary Festival
National Dance Theatre — Main Auditorium
11 October, 2024 | 8.30 pm
Ticket prices
4000–6000 HUF
Temptation, ecstasy, experiment and pop, music and poetry: the great lyric poetry of the Nobel Prize-winning genius and double-dealing role-player, with music by the Anima Sound System, edited by Zsolt Prieger, and featuring renowned actors and musicians. It is both a literary evening with music and a concert, a kind of hybrid performance with surprises in the texts and the performances. Content warning: it is romantic, always topical and poignant!
This programme of the Liszt Fest is presented by Müpa Budapest as a joint event with Kultúrkombinát Kft.
National Dance Theatre
1024 Budapest, Kis Rókus utca 16–20.
National Dance Theatre — Main Auditorium
11 October, 2024 | 8.30 pm
Ticket prices
4000–6000 HUF
National Dance Theatre
1024 Budapest, Kis Rókus utca 16–20.