The Relationship Between Liszt and his Hungarian Contemporaries in the Light of Hungary Cultural History

The Relationship Between Liszt and his Hungarian Contemporaries in the Light of Hungary Cultural History
Old Academy of Music
18 October, 2021 | 10.00 am
Free programme
The programme is free, but pre-registration is required. Registration was closed on 14 October.
10.10 am – 11.25 am Chair: Péter Halász
Katalin Kim: Erkel and Liszt – The German language premiere of Hunyadi László
Pál Horváth: Liszt’s visit at the National Theatre of Pest
Fanni Molnár: Rococo gallop
11.40 am – 12.30 pm
Lili Veronika Békéssy: “Vox populi” – Ferenc Liszt’s 1873 artistic jubilee
Rudolf Gusztin: Ferenc Liszt and the 1865 national choral festival in Pest
3 pm – 4.15 pm Chair: Zsuzsanna Domokos
Krisztina Halász: The last portrait of a genius – The relationship of Liszt and Munkácsy
Zsófia Borz: Additions to Mór Than’s portrait of Liszt
Anna Peternák: Liszt in his study – Retouching in the age of Liszt
4.30 pm – 5.20 pm
Zsolt Vizinger: Liszt, the chamber musician
József Brauer-Benke: How Liszt helped the cimbalom to become a national instrument
This large-scale, four-day conference of musicology and music history, which will end on Ferenc Liszt’s birthday on October 22, will provide an overview of new developments and new trends in Liszt research. On October 18–19, the lectures will focus on Liszt’s relations with Hungary and the history of Hungarian music in the second half of the 19th century. On 21–22 October, leading international experts of Liszt – from the Dutch Albert Brussee through the Canadian Alan Walker to the British Kenneth Hamilton – will talk about the latest results of their research. The lectures will be accompanied by concerts, book and CD presentations.
This conference of the Liszt Fest is jointly presented by Müpa Budapest and Liszt Academy.
Old Academy of Music
1064 Budapest, Vörösmarty utca 35.
Old Academy of Music
18 October, 2021 | 10.00 am
Free programme
The programme is free, but pre-registration is required. Registration was closed on 14 October.
Old Academy of Music
1064 Budapest, Vörösmarty utca 35.