Organ Marathon of Liszt’s Works

Organ of Sacred Heart Jesuit Church

Organ Marathon of Liszt’s Works

Sacred Heart Jesuit Church

8 October, 2022 | 10.00 am

Free programme

The concerts of the program are free, but pre-registration is required. Registration was closed on 7 October, 7 pm.

10 am Ágoston Gedai’s Organ Recital
Preludio – The Bells of Strasbourg Cathedral
Andante religioso
Ave Maria 1–2
Consolation 5–6
Offertorium from the Coronation Mass
Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen – variations on a theme by Bach

11.30 am Zoltán Herczeg’s Organ Recital
Overture for Church Festival on the chorale “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God”
Regina coeli laetare – After Lassus
Weimar Folk Song (2nd version)
Ungarns Gott (The God of Hungary)
Ave verum corpus – After Mozart
Introduction and Fugue – Bach: Ich hatte viel Bekümmernis, BWV 21
Adagio – Transcription from Bach’s Violin Sonata in C minor, BWV 1017
B-A-C-H Prelude and Fugue (2nd version)

2.30 pm Tamás Kubík’s Organ Recital
In domum domini ibimus
O sacrum convivium
Requiem for Organ
Ora pro nobis
The Legend of St Elizabeth – Introduction
San Francesco – Prelude to the Canticle of the Sun

4 pm Csaba Tasi’s Organ Recital
Dante Symphony – Introduction, Fugue and Magnificat
Les morts (Die Todten)
Rosario (Rosary 1–3)
Tu es Petrus

6 pm Brúnó Kaposi’s Organ Recital during the Mass
Missa pro organo
Consolation 4
Nun danket alle Gott

7.30 pm János Túri-Nagy’s Organ Recital
Pilgrims’ Choir from Tannhäuser
Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir – After Bach, BWV 38
Am Grabe Richard Wagners (At the Grave of Richard Wagner)
Fantasy and Fugue on the chorale “Ad nos, ad salutarem undam”

9 pm Alan Zsilka’s Organ Recital
Ave Maria d’Arcadelt
Ave maris stella (2nd version)
Salve Regina
Preludes – After Chopin, Op. 28/4 and 28/9
Agnus Dei – After Verdi’s Requiem
Slavimo slavno, Slaveni!
Évocation à la Chapelle Sixtine

Ferenc Liszt’s organ music is not only a particularly exciting and distinctive part of the composer’s œuvre, but also plays a significant role in the history and development of the world’s organ music. His works for organ have always been highly regarded at the Academy of Music that he founded, and it is perhaps no exaggeration to say that the Liszt Academy is still a leading centre for the study of the Lisztian organ style. This organ marathon, which consists of six concerts and a mass, will feature recent graduates of the institution, all of them distinguished church musicians and concert organists of their generation. In addition to large-scale organ compositions, such as Ad nos, ad salutarem undam or the B-A-C-H Prelude and Fugue, they will perform shorter masterpieces, as well as organ transcriptions of works by Liszt and others. As such, this concert series all but assumes the dimensions of a sounding omnibus.

Sacred Heart Jesuit Church
1085 Budapest, Mária utca 25.

Programme booklet

Sacred Heart Jesuit Church

8 October, 2022 | 10.00 am

Free programme

The concerts of the program are free, but pre-registration is required. Registration was closed on 7 October, 7 pm.

Sacred Heart Jesuit Church
1085 Budapest, Mária utca 25.

Programme booklet